This survey is now closed and all data has been collated. Click here to see the results. You can read the questions of the survey below but the submit button has been removed. If you'd like any information, contact me on This survey aims to evaluate the use of Director primarily in the game development area. With Director 11 to be released in 2007, this survey may be able to influence the next version of Adobe Director. 1. How long have you been using Director (in years)? 2. What type of game development experience do you have: a) Full time core game development b) Full time casual game development c) Part time core game development d) Part time casual game development e) Game production teaching f) Other (please specify) (e.g. None)
3. What is your main role in the game production? a) Game designer (mostly UI / look and feel) b) Game programmer (Lingo / JavaScript Syntax) c) Hybrid (both design and program) d) Other (e.g. content developer) 4. If game development is not your primary area of focus, what are the main types of products you create? 5. What software do you use to create games apart from Director? (competing software / Flash / C++ / ...) 6. What software do you use in combination with Director to create games? (Photoshop / Flash / 3DS Max / Third Party Xtras /...) 7. What percentage of your games are made with Director? 8. What additional features / enhancements do you see as necessary to improve your productivity in creating games? (Things to make game development faster / authoring changes / ...) 9. What additional features / enhancements do you see as necessary to increase your revenue from your games? (Additional or enhanced media type support / 3D enhancements / ...) 10. What are your top 5 feature requests for Director 11? Please list them in the order of your priority. a) b) c) d) e) 11. Do you participate in any forums / lists? Please list which ones (e.g. Director 3D forum / Direct-L / dirGames-L): (Note, this question will be kept off the published results page and is just for my own interest to see which lists you find the most valuable.) 12. Where did you hear about this survey (particular list, forum, website, email) 13. Would you be interested in participating in future surveys? If so, please give your name and email address (all details will be kept strictly confidential). Name: Email: 14. Additional comments Thank you for taking the time to fill out the form. Results will be posted when numbers become significant. If you supply your email, I will send you a message when the results are released. Dean Utian