Director Tutorials


Director Game Development Survey - Results

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Software Used with Director in Game Creation

The following results are based on a sample group of 221 people answering the following question: What software do you use in combination with Director to create games?

Top answers
(Percentages reflect the proportion of respondents that use that product.)

1. Photoshop
70.6 %

The clear software favourite is Photoshop with over 70% of people surveyed saying they use this product. Flash has a significant use at almost 48%, and 3DS Max at almost 37%.

Approximately a third of people surveyed use at least one Third Party Xtra and Buddy API is the most used of the Xtras. Click here to see the Xtras use comparison.

2. Flash
47.5 %
3. 3DS Max
36.7 %
4. Various Third Party Xtras
32.6 %
5. Illustrator
13.6 %
6. Maya
10.4 %
7. Buddy API
10 %
Under Macromedia, the Flash Xtra provided a large focus of the Director updates. The above suggests that Adobe would be wise to provide greater integration of Photoshop as well

Complimentary software used with Director
(Numbers on X-axis reflect the number of respondents using the software.)

Complimentary Xtras used with Director
(Numbers on X-axis reflect the number of respondents using the software.)

Other Third party Xtras mentioned:
Beatnik, Chromelib, Communication xtra, Datagrip, Direct email, DirectCommunication, DirectSound Xtra, DM transition, Fullscreen xtras, Gimp, INM V12, Joystick Xtra, MoveCursor Xtra, OSControl Xtra, PropSave, Sequence xtra, Serial XTRA, ShapeShifter 3D, ShapeShifter3D, SharpExport PocketPC, StarSoft Xtras, Track them colours Xtras, W3D Toolbar, webXtra, Window Xtra

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