Director Game Development Survey - Results
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Software Competing with Director in Game Development
The following results are based on a sample group of 193 people answering the following question: What software do you use to create games apart from Director?
Top answers
(Percentages reflect the proportion of respondents that use that product over Director.)
1. Flash | 67.7 % |
The clear software competition to Director in game development is Flash, with almost 68% of people surveyed (who use competing products for games) say they use Flash. |
2. C++ | 16.5 % |
3. Java | 8.2 % |
4. C# | 5.9 % |
5. Torque | 5.3 % |
6. Unity | 4.7 % |
7. Virtools | 4.1 % |
Competing Software with Director
(Numbers on X-axis reflect the number of respondents using the software.)
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