Director Tutorials


Director Game Development Survey - Results

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Software Competing with Director in Game Development

The following results are based on a sample group of 193 people answering the following question: What software do you use to create games apart from Director?

Top answers
(Percentages reflect the proportion of respondents that use that product over Director.)

1. Flash
67.7 %

The clear software competition to Director in game development is Flash, with almost 68% of people surveyed (who use competing products for games) say they use Flash.

It is important to note that this survey was conducted on developers that use Director for games. Approximately 12% of those surveyed said they don't use any other software besides Director. So, while these results do give some indication of competing software, the results aren't a comprehensive analysis of software used across the entire the games industry.

2. C++
16.5 %
3. Java
8.2 %
4. C#
5.9 %
5. Torque
5.3 %
6. Unity
4.7 %
7. Virtools
4.1 %

Competing Software with Director
(Numbers on X-axis reflect the number of respondents using the software.)

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