Director Tutorials


Director Game Development Survey - Results

Below are comments made from the Director Game Development Survey.
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User comments

Thanks Dean!

Please include me in the Beta.

thanks to all at Adobe for continuing to support a truly wonderful dev environment

Forcing me to learn flash just makes me use other tools - if I liked flash I would already be using it...

Thanks for your efforts, Dean!


no comments

please share the results :-)

Hooray for Director.

Would be useful to see these results

Thanks for this survey !

Hope this helps you out!

Thanks for putting the effort in to build this survey. I hope Adobe use the results wisely!

I see AS3/ECMA4 as replacing Lingo.

flash did not become as popular as it is because of the programming. it became successful because it was so easy to pick up and design with you may want to keep that in mind. dont make the user have to program things that should be on the user interface

please make a new rev sooner rather than later (or never)

Thanks for taking time for such things.

Dean, Could you send me a copy of your results on this?

thanks for doing this, Dean

good idea fore the future of director. thanks

Great work!

good luck in getting adobe to improve Director

I already use Flash more than Director. Generally I only use Director when I need a program that can write to disk. The 3d engine is nice, but a homemade quads engine in Flash usually fills that need for me now. The proposed file system support in Apollo is another nail in Director's coffin as far as I'm concerned (but an awesome feature for Flash, especially as it stakes it's claim on 4g mobile devices). I have read on the newsgroups that the next version of Director will add support for Vista and the newest version of OSX, (and hopefully will recognize dualcore chips). If that is the case, I will have reason to upgrade, but it will probably be the last time that I do.

Thanks for putting this together Dean

Unless Adobe revamp Director and integrate some of the more powerful Adobe features they might as well let it die a graceful death, because as it stands Director is bloated and inefficient and has no real text manipulation capabilities worth using.

look forward to DIR11

Long live director!

thanx ;=)

Hopefully this survey works (especially question number 10 (feature requests))

I really hope shockwave bcomes the web standard for 3d, its got the player penetration, its survived x3d,u3d attampts etc. Demos and online samples are better than ever. We have several global bluechips loving the stuff- lt the golden age of web 3d commence!

God bless you for the effort and commitment. Thanks to people like you there is still hope that Director will continue to flourish. With all its faults, there's still no program like it!!

In my office, their are 7 of us. I am the only programmer. We use Authorware to package the CBT's and build the courseware. We use Director and Flash to build the Demo and Simulations (2D and 3D). ps. Thanks for "Dean's Director Tutorials". They have been a great help. George

Great initiative!

This is how I see the present situation: The world is ready for something much more organic and compelling. Let's make authoring available to more people and people will get their wish.

Thank you for keeping Director alive! Students do not always appreciate the robust nature of Director and only see the razzle dazzle of Flash

congratulations, director is great software

I hope this is useful

Great initiative, Dean!

I liked your podcast with MagicGate. Also, yours was one of the first sites I stumbled upon when I first started with Director. You really helped me quite a bit. I still don't know as much as I would like, but I am going to keep learning. Hopefully. grin Thanks for all the help.

The most significant part of each of the last four upgrades has been support for the latest version of Flash, whereas other new Director features take second place. This is tiresome. The Flash Xtra should be updated seperately (e.g. when Flash comes out) so that Director can develop its very own new features.

Look forward to seeing next relase of Director, still remains a great IDE, but needs modernizing and some bold changes to re-invent itself.

Like most "hard-core" Director developers, very frustrated by the lack of commitment from Adobe to Director.

I'm afraid that moving Director to India will hurt the communication that developers and management have enjoyed the last few years

I like pizza.

Thanks for your efforts towards the director community

While not a "game developer", I nevertheless hope my feature requests rate as highly as those that are...

Directors days as a "swiss army knife" had better end soon. A focus on casual game development is its only hope.

Great survey, but it won't help, I think ;-)

good job

Threespot(.com) hasn't abandoned Director development for games, but we find we can meet most of our requirements in Flash and win with wider compatibility. Where we have pitched Director is in 3D and enhanced audio projects.

So, you are planning to release the next Director in 2007. Nice. What did you do until now?

crank up the shockwave installed base

Go for director 11!

At this point, so little has been done with Director in recent years, and the IDE is so bad, that we're switching over to Flash for new development. The open source aspect of Flash is a tremendous motivation to switching to that platform - Director is not an open format. Opening up the Director format might help but I think it is far too late. Farewell to Director, it has been great for 13 years but I think it has been neglected too long to return as a viable alternative to Flash. We hope it is still supported in the future (to support future OS hardware compatibility), as we have clients who have invested large sums in products that are still on the shelves, and will need to be updated. But I'm afraid any big changes will be too little too late (like the Javascript Syntax that is inferior to actionscript - why bother?)

Just that Director is a great product :)

If Adobe isn't going to actively support Director in the same manner that they do Flash then I would suggest they sell it to someone who will. And move the dev team from the people in India who have really done nothing other than screw up the Mac UI and make the app slower. The entire team there needs to be replaced with competent programmers

I really enjoy developing games with Director

Keep up the good work. Regards from Denmark.

Dean, Do you really think this poll can change something ?

I obviously would REALLY like an update to the 3D engine. However I hope if the engine is revamped, that it still pretty much functions the same as the old one (from an authoring standpoint) and that old content will still remain compatible.

more communications needed for director as a powerfull and mature environment.

Nice work, Dean. I hope it will help to make Adobe understand that Director's community is still active and deserves more attention.

I use director very seldom now, since the focus of my work shifted. Therefore only a few answers =(

Director still is the best multimedia, prototyping, and desktop application development tool I have come across. I can rapidly develop cross platform solutions with power and ease.


thx :-)

The two things Director needs most are some attention and marketing by Adobe, and to get rid of and Google/Yahoo toolbars. Then, it might be taken seriously as a development environment.

i'd be interested in seeing a few stats posted after the survey is finished :)

Hey Dean, Mad deadlines at the moment, so this is a little scattered and short on detail. But hopefully the minimal stuff will help. Cheers.

I worked in Giuntimultimedia : Italian Game company

Nice work Dean, why did you create this survey?

Director (3D) is faaaar behind Unity in every aspect... I wish Director will survive in the future, so...

Much of the above refers to my time when I was developing more games - these days I'm not doing much game development

I am looking forward to Adobe's comments on this survey!

Thanks Dean, I am also a Sydney based director developer, I teach a games subject in the 3D animation department at Enmore TAFE and produce shockwave demos. Would be good to see an 3D update keep developing the subject.

the weather is nice today, though slightly cool.

I've been casually using Director 3D since it arrived, but only recently have got some big projects using it.

As mentioned I'm just getting my feet wet in the gaming world. Seeing projects like phosphor are truly inspiration and demonstrate the potential for Director to be the number one online game development platform. My 13 year loves it and he also plays games like runescape and silkroad (not developed in director but should be).

great idea this survey!

the last of my 5 feature requests concerns a project I'm working on. We're currently running MUS on a server I've set up and developing a chat to run off of it. MUS was a real pain to learn, but now that I've gotten into it I'm liking what it allows me to do, however I know it's not going to be scalable so I'm looking into the future at using the Nebulae MultiUserServer if this chat program takes off well enough.

I really like to see the result of this.

please make the results available to us by posting a link to Direct-L when the data is collated.

the director and flash plug-in should become one distribution

If there is any chance to participate in the beta tests, inform me please

Good work and let's work to revived Director community

New version of director this year

Your point is?

This form should have had much bigger text fields..

I worked with Director for the past 12 years building applications and love directors potential

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