Lingo & Programming Terminology
Arguments: information that
gives further clarification to a command.
For example: go
[what] to [what]
Arguments are values that are passed onto parameters (see parameters).
Commands: instructions that tell your movie to act on something or do something
while the movie is playing.
For example: beep tells Director to make a beep sound.
go tells Director to jump to a certain frame/marker or movie.
Comments: notes you can place
within a script that help explain statements or provide other general
information about the content of a script. These notes are ignored by
the computer when executing the script. A double dash (--)
is placed before a comment to identify it as such. It is a good idea to
provide a comment before defining a global variable so it is clear what
the variable is.
For example
-- hiScore records the highest score achieved in
the game
global hiScore
Conditional statements: statements in programming
that allow you to test for conditions (such as TRUE/FALSE)
and execute commands based on those conditions
For example:
if soundBusy(1) then go the frame
The condition was not written as soundBusy(1) =
TRUE. By leaving out the value (i.e. = TRUE),
Lingo assumes a TRUE value.
Constant: data that doesn't change during a movie - has a 'constant'
For example: FALSE,
member(1).text = "empty" puts
the word 'empty' into the text cast member.
member(1).text = EMPTY clears
everything (all text) from the cast member
Events: actions that occur while a movie is playing.
For example: exitFrame is when the playback head exits a frame
mouseUp is when the mouse button is released
Expression: segments of code that result in a value, for example 1 + 1.
Expressions exist within statements.
Function: Lingo that provides information on a particular state or condition/value.
For example: the
time returns the current time
name of member returns the cast member's name
key returns the key that was pressed last.
A function (or top-level function) can also instruct a movie to do something while the movie is playing. These functions always have parentheses occur at the end of the function. For example, calling the top-level list can have the syntax list().
Handlers: grouping of Lingo
intended for execution as a unit, begins with a keyword on.
Event handlers are a unit of code that executes when an event occurs
For example: on
: on enterFrame
Keywords: the 'nouns' of
programming - help further define aspects of scripting.
For example: the,
cast, field, end
List: a particular
type of variable that can contain several discrete units of data at once.
Each unit, known as entries, can be manipulated without affecting the
others. Known as Arrays in JavaScript Syntax.
There are 2 types of lists:
Linear list: is a series of single values in sequence. Each
item, separated by a comma, is a single unit of data.
e.g. ["Advanced Multimedia", "Computer-Aided
Design", "Digital Design Techniques"]
Property list: contains 2 units of data for each entry,
separated by a colon (:) One unit is the value (data to be stored, retrieved
or modified), while the other serves as a property (another value used
primarily for organising purposes).
e.g. ["Jack":95, "Jill":50,
"Peter":65, "Sarah":75]
For more info, see the The
Power of Lists - List Lingo technote.
Loops: the process of continually
repeating a section of a script/movie, while a certain condition is true
or for a specified number of times.
Example 1
repeat while the mouseDown
end repeat
Example 2
repeat with x = 1 to 10
sprite(x).visible = 1
end repeat
You can exit a loop by using - exit repeat.
Messages: are notices that Director sends to scripts when specific
events occur in a movie. To run the appropriate set of Lingo statements
at the right time, Director must determine what is occurring in the movie
and which Lingo to run in response to the event. Director sends messages
to indicate when specific events occur in a movie, such as when sprites
are clicked, keyboard keys are pressed, a movie starts, the playback head
enters or exits a frame. Handlers within scripts contain instructions
that run when a specific message is received.
For example, when the playback head enters a specific frame, the enterFrame event occurs and Director sends an enterFrame message. If a script contains an on enterFrame handler, the statements within that handler will run, because the handler
received the enterFrame message.
Methods: terms that either instruct a movie to do something while
the movie is playing or return a value, and are called from an object.
For example isBusy (in MX 2004+) in the context
of sound(1).isBusy(), is a sound channel
method that determines if a sound if playing (TRUE) or not playing (FALSE)
in channel 1. Is similar to a function but is always called from an object.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): a programming approach that groups together data and procedures (sequences
of instructions ) into a single unit (an object). Lingo is an OOP
Object: any unit of Lingo
script that is designed to both receive input and produce a result. Each
event handler is an object, since it takes input (message of an event)
and produces something (whatever scripted actions it contains).
Operator: a character or word that acts or 'operates' on one or more
elements. They can be used for calculations (+,
- , /, *), assignment of values (=, to, into)
or comparison (<, >, =, <>)
For example: x = 10
put 10 into x
Logical operators:: combine Boolean values and produce a Boolean result.
A Boolean value is TRUE (=1) or FALSE (=0). In Lingo, positive or negative integers is TRUE,
0 is FALSE. Important terms used in logical
operators include AND, OR, NOT.
Concatenation operators: used to combine strings. These include & and &&.
&& combines the strings with a space in-between them.
For example:
put "dean" && "utian"
-- "dean utian"
Parameters: Are variables used to give added flexibility to handlers/behaviors.
For example:
-- sprite behavior to follow cursor horizontally
on exitFrame me
sprite(me.spriteNum).locH = the mouseH
The term me is a parameter that together
with spriteNum indicates the sprite number
to which the behavior is attached. The word me has no special magic and the above behavior would work in exactly the
same way if me was replaced by deano.
Parameters can be changed when calling a handler (referring to a handler
in code).
For example
on calcVolume value1, value2, value3
put value1 * value2 * value3
You can then pass on values (arguments) to parameters by typing the following
in the Message window:
calcVolume 2, 2, 3
-- 12
See the Using me and Other Parameters
in Lingo technote
Properties: attributes that define an object. Sprites, cast members,
even behaviors can have properties. For example, colorDepth is a property of a bitmap cast member. You can set properties of scripts
by using property variables (see variables below).
Procedural programming: code structured as a list of instructions telling a computer, step-by-step, what to do, usually having a linear order of execution from the first statement to the second and so on to the end.
Statement: One executable line of Lingo.
Symbol: are user-defined constants and have a # at the start of the name. They combine the speed of integers
and the descriptive property of strings. Comparisons using symbols can
usually be performed very quickly, providing more efficient code.
For example, the statement
userLevel = #beginner
runs more quickly than the statement
userLevel = "beginner"
Symbols can't contain spaces or punctuation. A string can be converted
to a symbol by using the symbol() function,
and can be converted back to a symbol by using the string() function.
For example
x = symbol("beginner")
put x
-- #novice
x = string(#beginner)
put x
-- "beginner"
Variable: a storage 'holder'
for data that can change/vary in a movie. Variables exist entirely in
RAM. There are different data types of values variables can hold:
Data Types
integers: whole numbers e.g. 1, -5
floats: decimal point numbers e.g. 1.5,
strings: text e.g. "dean",
"Multimedia design"
symbols: e.g. #dean, #123
boleans: e.g. TRUE or FALSE, 1 or 0
lists: hold multiple pieces of data at once, which can be
integers, floats, strings, symbols or a combination of all. e.g. [1,
2, 3], ["abc", 1.2, #name]
Local variables - holds data available in current
handler being executed.
Global variables - holds data whose value can
change and be accessed throughout the movie. Globals must be declared
as such using the global keyword.
Property variables - hold data only for the
particular object it is attached to. Like globals, properties need to
be declared, using the property keyword.
For more info, look at the Variable Types - Local,
Global and Property Variables technote.
Assigning a value to a variable:
put value into variable -- old, dated approach
set variable to value -- verbose approach
variable = value -- best approach
Rules for variable names
They have to be single words, you cannot have spaces in a variable name.
You cannot start a variable name with a number.
Variables cannot have ? character in the name.